Who doesn’t love dessert?
The Cooking Class at SENCA in Tecumseh, NE featured desserts that contribute to good health and in the interest of Quality Assurance, we HAD to do our fair share of taste testing. *I know. You must feel terribly sorry for us. grin
Kathy made a Weight Watchers delight. She used frozen fruit she had thawed and drained (ANY fruit would do). She sprinkled a packet of gelatin (ANY flavor would do) and stirred in a few spoonfuls of low fat cottage cheese. (ANY cottage cheese would do.) She stirred it all together and added a few spoonfuls of whipped topping. It got all fluffy and pretty and we spooned some out to taste. Mmmmm! Winner! Winner! DESSERT FOR DINNER!
Terri pleased our palettes with an apple pie. This one had a twist; there was a mixture of flour, brown sugar, cinnamon and oatmeal flakes where most diners would expect crust! It was still warm from the oven when it arrived to our table. There was swooning and ooohing and aaahing all around as we marveled at how satisfying her dessert was!
Mother Connie’s contribution was a simple collection of berries…I used fresh raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries. (Any combination would do!) I had cut them and sprinkled a dab of sugar over them and let them hang out in the fridge to get all juicy and delish. While they chilled, I warmed some honey very gently on the stove and to that I added some sticks of cinnamon and a few shakes of ground cinnamon. Pouring warm honey over cold berries is a good duet for your taste buds!
There was a good bit of discussion about people making low cost, high nutrition meals and desserts. Everyone shared helpful ideas about shopping tips, family favorites and ways of re-imagining the recipes that were shared.
The next cooking class will be held prior to Turkey Day and since everyone is interested in saving time AND money, we’ll be making freezer meals once again.
Are you a user of SNAP or WIC funds with an EBT card? Do you get food commodities? Have you visited a food pantry or food bank? Maybe you are just frugal by nature. Perhaps you love to cook; you may even hate to cook. In any case, this little piece of the internet is devoted to helping those of you who use public assistance for your food dollars. We are here for you, supporting you and caring about you.
We are tickled pink and blue and doing the Happy Dance because of all the new Members who have signed up for our little series of cooking tips. You are welcome to share you ideas with us by sending an email to foodstampscookingclub@gmail.com *We are just like little kids when we get MAIL!
Connie Baum
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